เทคนิคการทำ SEO On Page


Google SEO Starter Guild 

มาเริ่มกันเลยครับ เทคนิคการทำ SEO On Page อย่างถูกวิธี

How Do I Build the Perfectly Optimized Page?

How Do I Build the Perfectly Optimized Page?

If you're in SEO, you probably hear this question a lot. Sadly, there's no cut and dry answer, but there are sets of best practices we can draw from and sharpen to help get close. In this blog post, I'm going to share our top recommendations for achieving on-page, keyword-targeting "perfection," or, at least, close to it. Some of these are backed by data points, correlation studies and extensive testing while others are simply gut-feelings based on experience. As with all things SEO, we recommend constant testing and refinement, though this knowledge can help you kick-start the process.
The Percectly Optimized, Keyword Targeted Page

HTML Head Tags

  • Title - the most important of on-page keyword elements, the page title should preferably employ the keyword term/phrase as the first word(s). In our correlation data studies, the following graph emerged:

    Importance of Query in Title

Tips And Techniques Do The Successful Bloggers Follow To Build Links?



Link building is the task that consumes most of the time and is the most result driving when you want to do SEO for your website or blog. If you want to keep your blog ahead of the million other blogs in the same industry, you have to continue building back links for your blog. This scope of this post here will remain confined in the tips for link building that many top bloggers use for their niches.

In this article, I will talk about only those tips that work well with the latest changes in algorithms brought about by Google. These tips are expected to work just fine with any version of Google Penguin Update and Google or other search engines should not penalize you for any over optimization if you employ these techniques to build your links.

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